With Loadsmart’s Preferred Lanes feature, you will be notified of loads that match your lane preferences from Loadsmart’s load board!
Add preferred lanes:
1. On your Loadsmart account, go to MANAGE > MY LANES
2. You will be directed to the preferred lanes page. Enter/select the following information for the lane:
- Pickup/Delivery city, state, and or zip code
- Radius - deadhead miles from pickup or delivery locations
- Weekday
- Equipment type
- Minimum desired rate - a suggested market will auto-populate. Please enter your desired minimum rate.
If you want to be notified of spot loads from Loadsmart’s load board during a specific period, click the checkbox under Notify for a period and select a period range. Otherwise, leave the notification section empty to receive an email whenever a load matches your lanes’ preferences.
3. Click
The lane will be added under Preferred Lanes.
to update the target rate
to remove the target rate
To remove the lane, click on the right side of the lane.
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